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Publications and Studies

Clinical outcomes of different implant types in mandibular bar-retained overdentures: a retrospective analysis with up to 20 years follow-up

Scientific Publication, Sept. 2022 – Betthäuser, M., Schilter, R., Enkling, N. et al. 

Int J Implant Dent 8, 38 (2022).


Soft loading protocol of short strategic implants in posterior mandibles supporting removable bilateral free-end prostheses: 1-year results of a prospective study

Scientific Publication, 2022 – Norbert Enkling, Thanuja Thanendrarajah, Simone Janner, Martin Schimmel, and Samir Abou-Ayash
Int J Prosthodont 2022 February 22. doi: 10.11607/ijp.7827


The mechanical behavior of a screw-less Morse taper implant-abutment connection: An In Vitro Study

Scientific Publication, 2022 – Aimen Bagegni, Vinvent Weihrauch, Kirstin Vach and Ralf Kohal, Materials2022,15, 3381.,


Optimized Implant Selection Using Digital Volume Tomography (DVT) Osteodensitometry

Clinical Case Publication, 2022 – Manfred Nilius, Jörg Winterhoff
Hindawi Case Reports in Dentistry, Volume 2022, Article ID 2470524,


Short strategic implants for mandibular removable partial dentures: One-year results from a pilot randomized crossover abutment type study

Scientific Publication, 2021 – Norbert Enkling, Joël Nauli, Dominik Kraus, Julia Gabriela Wittneben, Martin Schimmel, Samir Abou-Ayash
Clin Oral Impl Res. 2021;32:1176-1189


Influence of the loading protocol and platform switching in two- implant bar- retained overdentures: 3- year results from a randomized controlled equivalence clinical trial

Scientific Publication, 2021 – N. Enkling, F. Kokoschka, D. Schumacher, D. Kraus, M. Schimmel & S. Abou- Ayash, Clinical Oral Implants Research, 00, 1– 10. https://doi., org/10.1111/clr.13872


An in vitro evaluation of the implant abutment microgap using synchrotron- based radiography (Kohal et al.)

Scientific Publication, 2021 – Aimen Bagegni, Simon Zabler, Katja Nelson, Alexander Rack, Benedikt C. Spies, Kirstin Vach, Ralf Kohal
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 116 (2021) 104330


The influence of prosthetic crown height and implant-abutment connection design selection on the long-term implant-abutment stability: A laboratory study

Scientific Publication, 2021 – Aimen Bagegni, Benedikt C. Spies, Matthias Kern, Derek Hazard, Ralf Kohal
journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 113 (2021) 104095


Performance of a novel implant design

Scientific Publication, 2021 – Manfred Nilius, Jörg Winterhoff, Günter Lauer
EDI Journal, European Journal for dental Implantologists, Issue 2 / 21, ISSN 1862-2879, Volume 17


Pull-off resistance of a screwless implantabutment connection and surface evaluation after cyclic loading

Scientific Publication, 2021 – Vasilios Alevizakos, Richard Mosch, Gergo Mitov, Ahmed Othman, Constantin von See
J Adv Prosthodont 2021;13:152-9,


Sofortimplantation, Sofortversorgung und Sofortbelasung: Therapieoptionen für die Praxis?

Scientific Publication, 2021 – Norbert Enkling
Deutscher Ärzteverlag | DZZ | Deutsche Zahnärztliche Zeitschrift 2021; 76: 142– 149


Immediate dental implant placement, immediate restorative treatment and immediate loading:

treatment options in dental practice?

Scientific Publication, 2021 – Norbert Enkling
Deutscher Ärzteverlag | DZZ | Deutsche Zahnärztliche Zeitschrift International 2021; 3: 91–97,


FALLSTUDIE – Das Sofortversorgungskonzept Safe on Four

Clinical Case Publication, 2021 – Ingo Frank, Sandra Kirchmaier, Stephan Adler, Frank Kistler, Steffen Kistler, Jörg Neugebauer,
Luise Krüger, Georg Bayer


Optimised implant selection using digital volume tomography (DVT-O) osteodensitometry

Clinical Case Publication, 2021 – Manfred Nilius, Jörg Winterhoff, Günter Lauer
DGOI Congress 2021 (Seeheim-Jugenheim) Poster presentation


Platform switching in two-implant bar-retained mandibular overdentures:

1-year results from a split-mouth randomized controlled clinical trial

Scientific Publication, 2020 – Samir Abou-Ayash, Martin Schimmel, Dominik Kraus, Regina Mericske-Stern, Dominic Albrecht, Norbert Enkling
Clin Oral Impl Res. 2020;00:1-12. DOI: 10.1111/clr.13640


Bone Resorption around Self-Tapping Implants in Bone Density Type I-II:

3-Year Results of a Prospective Clinical Study

Scientific Publication, 2020 – Hadi Gholami, Regina Mericske-Stern, Peter Jöhren and Norbert Enkling
Int J Dent Oral Health 6(3):


Platform switching in two-implant bar-retained mandibular overdentures:

1-year results from a split-mouth randomized controlled clinical trial

Scientific Publication, 2020 – Samir Abou-Ayash| Martin Schimmel | Dominik Kraus | Regina Mericske-Stern | Dominic Albrecht| Norbert Enkling
Clin Oral Impl Res. 2020;00:1-12.


Implant satbility and peri-implant marginal bone loss around two dirrerent threads design implants

Scientific Publication, 2020 - Maha Nagy Mohamed Kamal
EDJ (Egyptian Dental Journal) Vol. 66, 2607:2619, DOI:10.21608/edj.2020.41252.1237


Evaluation of positional accuracy of laboratory analogues in 3D printed polymers 

Diploma thesis, 2020 – Yannick Stryga (DPU, Prof. von See)


Evaluation of the positional accuracy of SIC laboratory analogs in duplicated plaster models

Diploma thesis, 2020 – Mirko Furlan (DPU, Prof. von See)


Within subjects-comparison of two implant attachment types for 6mm implants: choice of attachment

Master Thesis, 2019 – Joel Nauli (Bern, Prof. Schimmel and Dr. Abou-Ayash)


Long-term chewing machine loading to investigate the stability of PEEK abutments on endosseous implants 

Doctoral thesis, 2019 – Anselm Flohr, dissertation (Prof. Kohal, Prof. Südkamp, Freiburg)


Case Report: Efficient and safe immediate implantation using SICvantage max and Morse Taper

Clinical Case Publication, 2019 – Luise Krüger, Georg Bayer, Stephan Adler


Immediate implantation of a premolar with the SICvantage max;

Prevention of the risk of peri-implantitis through special implant geometry

Clinical Case Publication, 2019 – Luise Krüger / Georg Bayer
Dental implantology and periodontology


Success factors of implant prosthetic therapy

Clinical Case Publication, 2019 – Ahmad Ali Ludin
DENTAL IMPLANTOLOGY | Year 23 | Issue 03 | May 2019 | 158-167


Implant overdentures retained by self-aligning stud-type attachments: A clinical report

Clinical Case Publication, 2019 – Murali Srinivasan, Nicole Kalberer, Sabrina Maniewicz, Frauke Müller
The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry,


Master immediate supply in fully digital workflow complications

Clinical Case Publication, 2019 – Manfred Nilius
team work 2/2019


Does Oral Implant Design Affect Marginal Bone Loss?

Results of a Parallel-Group Randomized Controlled Equivalence Trial

Scientific Publication, 2018 – Benedikt C. Spies, Maria Bateli, Ghada Ben Rahal, Marin Christmann, Kirstin Vach and Ralf-Joachim Kohal
Hindawi BioMed Research International Volume 2018, Article ID 8436437, 11 pages,


Full dentures in geriatric dentistry - the sticking point in terms of hygiene

Scientific Essay, 2018 – Prof. Dr. Ralf Roessler
DENTAL IMPLANTOLOGIE, vol. 22, issue 1, 46 – 47


Fixed full dentures without cementing and screwing
New supply concept using Locator F-Tx®

Clinical Case Publication, 2018 – Dr. Karl-Ludwig Ackermann, MDT Gerhard Neuendorff, MDT Janez Fiderschek, Implantologie Journal 3


Metal-free, implant-supported telescopic dentures in the edentulous upper jaw

Clinical Case Publication, 2018 – Norbert Wichnalek, Georg Bayer, Luise Krüger
Quintessence Zahntech 2018;44(1):84-96


Immediate implantation and restoration in the front tooth area - interface prosthetics

Clinical Case Publication, 2018 – Georg Bayer, Luise Krüger
Z Oral Implant © Volume 14 1/18


Ridge preservation in the upper anterior region

Clinical Case Publication, 2018 – Frank Kistler, Fabian Sigmund, Steffen Kistler, Georg Bayer, Jörg Neugebauer
Implantology 2018;26(2):195-209


The use of a new type of locator system (F-Tx)

Clinical Case Publication, 2018 – Luise Krüger
DENTAL IMPLANTOLOGY | Year 22 | Issue 03 | May 2018 | 164-173


Advanced backward planning with allogeneic bone block for absolute ridge elevation

Clinical Case Publication, 2018 – Manfred Nilius
DENTAL IMPLANTOLOGY | Year 22 | Issue 05 | September 2018 | 374-381


A clearly defined timetable between the practice and the laboratory is the key to successful therapy

Clinical Case Publication, 2018 – Gerhard Reif, Philipp von der Osten
Practical implantology and implant prosthetics | pip 3 | 2018


Analog smile design in implant prosthetic full jaw restorations

Clinical Case Publication, 2018 – Markus Steigmann, Wolfgang Bollack
Quintessence Zahntech 44 (2018), No. 1, 2.



The new approach to fixed restorations in edentulous jaws
Neues Locator F-Tx-System für die bedingt abnehmbare implantatgetragene Brücke

Clinical Case Publication, 2017 – José de San José González, Helmut Steveling, Andreas Beining
Quintessenz Zahntech 2017;43(12):1584–1594


Socket Shield Technique for Implant Placement in the Esthetic Zone: A Case Report

Clinical Case Publication, 2017 – Matthias Petsch, Benedikt Spies, Ralf-Joachim Kohal

The International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry; Volume 37,



Implant design affects marginal bone resorption: Results of a radiographic analysis

Scientific Publication, 2016 – M. Christmann, M. Bateli, A. Hurrle, K. Vach, R. Kohal, B. Spies
EAO Poster 2016 at 25th Annual Scientific Meeting in Paris


Implant design has no influence on soft tissue parameters:
A 1-year analysis

Scientific Publication, 2016 – A. Hurrle, M. Bateli, M. Christmann, B. Spies, K. Vach, R. Kohal
EAO Poster 2016 at 25th Annual Scientific Meeting in Paris


Implantatprothetische Frontzahnrehabilitation mit kieferorthopädischem Weichgewebsmanagement in der ästhetischen Zone. Ein Fallbericht

Clinical Case Publication, 2016 – Matthias Petsch, Ralf-Joachim Kohal, Andreas Stippig, Michael Bernhard
Quintessenz Zahntech 2016;42(10):1366–1381



Space requirement of a prefabricated bar on two interforaminal implants: a prospective clinical study

Scientific Publication, 2015 – Dominic Albrecht, Ami Ramierez, Urs Kremer, Joannis Katsoulis, Regina Mericske-Stern, Norbert Enkling
Clin. Oral Impl. Res.26, 2015, 143–148doi: 10.1111/clr.12304


Retrievability of Implant-Supported Crowns when using three different cements: A Controlled Clinical Trial

Scientific Publication, 2015 – Andreas Worni, Hadi Gholami, Laurent Marchand, Joannis Katsoulis, Regina Mericske-Stern, Norbert Enkling
International Journal of  Prosthodontics 2015;28:22–29. doi: 10.11607/ijp.4119


Precision of fit and retention force ofcast non-precious-crowns on standardtitanium implant-abutment with different design and height

Scientific Publication, 2014 – Norbert Enkling, Takayuki Ueda, Hadi Gholami, Stefan Bayer, Joannis Katsoulis, Regina Mericske-Stern
Clin. Oral Impl. Res.25, 2014, 451–457doi: 10.1111/clr.12167


Internal bacterial colonization of implants: association with peri-implant bone loss

Scientific Publication, 2014 – Pia-Merete Jervøe-Storm, Søren Jepsen, Peter Johren, Regina Mericske-Stern, Norbert Enkling

Clin. Oral Impl. Res.00, 2014, 1–7; doi: 10.1111/clr.12421


Influence of platorm-switching on bone level alterations: a 3 year randomized clinical trial

Scientific Publication, 2013 – N.Enkling, P.Jöhren, J.Katsoulis, S.Bayer, P.-M.Jervøe-Storm, R.Mericske-Stern,
S.Jepsen, Journal of Dental Research JDR Clinical Research Supplement, vol. 92, suppl no. 2 , 139 S - 145 S, DOI: 10.1177/0022034513504953



Wahlfreiheit: Navigiertes Vorgehen Ja oder Nein?

Clinical Case Publication, 2013 – Dr. Pascal Marquardt
teamwork J CONT DENT EDUC 1/2013


Computerbasierter Workflow in der Implantatchirurgie Computer-based workflow in implant surgery
(DE and EN language), 
Clinical Case Publication, 2013 – T. Joda, P. Marquardt
Deutscher Ärzte-Verlag | DZZ | Deutsche Zahnärztliche Zeitschrift | 2013; 68 (4)



Retention force of plastic clips on implant bars: a randomized controlled trial

Scientific Publication, 2012 – Stefan Bayer, Nathalie Komor, Annina Kramer, Dominic Albrecht,
Regina Mericske-Stern, Norbert Enkling, Clin. Oral Impl. Res.23,2012, 1377–1384



Vinylsiloxanether: A New Impression Material.
Clinical Study of Implant Impressions with Vinylsiloxanether versus Polyether Materials

Scientific Publication, 2012 –  Norbert Enkling,  Stefan Bayer, Peter Jöhren, Regina Mericske-Stern, Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research. / 14 / 144-151 / 2012, DOI 10.1111/j.1708-8208.2009.00240.x


Restoring a single-tooth space

Clinical Case Publication, 2012 – Dr Hermann Derks and Wilfried Lesaar, EDI Case Studies 2012


Open or submerged healing of implants with platform switching:
a randomized, controlled clinical trial

Scientific Publication, 2011 – N. Enkling, P. Jöhren, T. Klimberg, R. Mericske-Stern, P.-M. Jervøe-Storm, S.Bayer, N.Gülden, S.Jepsen
Journal of Clinical Periodontology/38/374-384/2011, doi: 10.1111/j.1600-051X.2010.01683.x


Effect of platform switching on peri-implant bone levels: a randomized clinical trial

Scientific Publication, 2011 – N.Enkling, P.Jöhren, V.Klimberg, S.Bayer, R.Mericske-Stern, S.Jepsen.
Clin. Oral Impl. Res.22, 2011; 1185–1192, doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0501.2010.02090.x


Vierdimensional rückwärts geplant Temporäre Implantatbrücke mit digital erstellter Weichgewebsmaske

Clinical Case Publication, 2011 – Dr. Frank E. Spiegelberg, Frankfurt am Main, und Ztm. Christoph Buhl, teamwork J CONT DENT EDUC 6/2011


Ästhetische Frontzahnsituation durch Einsatz eines Langzeitprovisoriums

Clinical Case Publication, 2011 –  Dr. Frank Spiegelberg


Bone resorption around self-tapping implants in bone-class I and II

Scientific Publication, 2010 – R. Mericske-Stern, N. Enkling, W. Schilli, S. Jepsen, S. Bayer, P. Jöhren
Poster 117 Presented at the 19th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European
Association of Osseointegration – 6-9 October 2010, Glasgow


Diagnostik mit Swissmeda und Implantation mit dem SIC Guided Surgery System

Clinical Case Publication, 2010 – Pascal Marquard, Quintessenz Zahntech 2010;36(12):1630-1642


Platform switching: a randomised clinical trial - one year results

Scientific Publication, 2009 – N. Enkling, V. Boslau, T. Klimberg, P. Jöhren, T. Deserno, R. Mericske-Stern, S. Bayer, S. Jepsen, Poster 3394 IADR 2009


A posteriori registration and subtraction of panoramic compared with intraoral radiography

Scientific Publication, 2009 – T.M. Deserno, J.R. Rangarajan, J. Hoffmann, U.Brägger, R. Mericske-Stern, N.Enkling
Oral Surg OralMed Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2009; 108: e39-e45), doi:10.1016/j.tripleo.2009.03.036

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